I'll be honest, I'm not the hippest guy in the world. However, my 17-year-old niece recently moved to Montana to live with my wife and me, so if I ever need any help on "what the kids are talking about" I just ask her.

READ MORE: Montana school makes list for best in America

I bring this up because I recently came across a list of "the most ghetto high schools in Montana" and I wasn't sure what they meant by that. There is the actual definition of ghetto and the slang definition. It seems that we're using the slang term for this list.

According to the internet, the slang term for ghetto is "behaving in a low-class manner". An example would be, stop acting so ghetto!

Growing up, I attended a high school that didn't have AC and the heat only worked part of the time.  It was 3 floors and made of brick, so towards the end of the school year, it would be well over 100 degrees on the 3rd floor. Kids would pass out from the heat and if you didn't pass out, there was a 100 percent chance that your arm would stick to your desk from the sweat.

So maybe I attended a ghetto school as well.

The social site GeoTourEarth took the time to search the country for the most ghetto high school in each state and while the list has 15 Montana high schools, we're going to focus on the top 10.

Which Montana high school is the "most ghetto"?

Before we dive into this list, I want to let you know that I have no opinion whatsoever. So, if your high school made the list, please don't yell at me. I'm only the messenger here.

I will say that every big town in Montana is represented in the Top 15 list except for one. It seems that the city of Bozeman has zero "ghetto" high schools.


According to the list, the most "ghetto" high school in Montana is located in the city of Billings. While this wasn't the only Billings high school that made the list, it was the one that landed on the top spot.

The school? Billings Senior High School.

For the Top 10 Most Ghetto High Schools in Montana according to GeoTourEarth, check out the list below.

Top 10 Most Ghetto High Schools In Montana

According to the social site GeoTourEarth, these are the most Ghetto High Schools in Montana. We count them down starting at number 10.

Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf

Montana's 7 Poorest Cities Ranked

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Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf

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Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf